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Code of Conduct

Adult (Parent / Guardian) Code of Conduct

As a parent/guardian (hereby referred to as “parent”) of a student athlete, I acknowledge that I am a role model and a Christian example. I understand the spirit of fair play and that Christian sportsmanship is expected of all adults and players within the Blazers organization. I hereby accept my responsibility to be a model of good sportsmanship that comes with being the parent of a student involved in athletics in this basketball program. 

By enrolling a player to play with the Blazers, I affirm that I have read and agree to abide by the provisions set forth in the mission statement and policies of the North Metro Blazers. I, as a parent, also hereby pledge to follow the Code of Conduct as listed thus: 

  • Parents will provide support, care, and encouragement to all players. 
  • Parents will endeavor to make the Blazer basketball experience beneficial and enjoyable for all involved. 
  • Parents encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players and officials at every game or practice, as well as for one another. 
  • Parents will place the emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being of all the players ahead of any personal desire to win. 
  • Parents will remember that the game is primarily for the benefit of the student athletes. 
  • Parents understand that use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs on a player's part, a breach of discipline, unsportsmanlike conduct, or manifest disrespect may result in a student athlete's suspension at the discretion of the coaches, Athletic Director and/or Blazers Board. 
  • Parents agree to avoid overt sideline coaching 
  • Parents will show respect for public property and equipment. 
  • Parents will demonstrate a commitment to team spirit and sportsmanship by cheering for the athletes while avoiding all offensive gestures, demeaning language, and abusive behavior. 
  • Parents agree to honor and be supportive of the coaching and administrative staff. 
  • Parents agree that play calling and game strategy is the coach’s responsibility. 
  • Parents understand that missed practices and games on a player's part may affect playing time for that player. 
  • Parents agree to let the coach know about games or practices that will be missed as early as possible. 
  • Parents involved with the Blazers agree that any concerns regarding the Blazers program, a coach, or other persons within the Blazers family, will be personally brought to that person in a loving and respectful manner to seek understanding and resolution of the concern. If satisfactory resolution is not achieved, each person agrees to speak with a Blazers Board member or the Athletic Director regarding the situation. In the event the issue is not otherwise resolved, the Board will make a final decision in resolving the issue. 
  • Parents agree to encourage players to communicate directly with coaches regarding the player's concerns, conflicts, or discouragements. 
  • Parents agree to avoid confronting a coach before, during, or immediately after a game. If a concern arises that needs to be brought to the attention of the coach, parents and coaches agree to arrange a time to meet together to discuss the issue in a respectful and honorable way. If satisfactory resolution is not achieved, parents and coaches agree to speak with a Blazers Board member or the Athletic Director regarding the situation. In this event, the Board will assist in resolving the issue. 

Player Code of Conduct

As a student athlete I recognize the privilege it is to play team sports. I understand the importance of good sportsmanship, hard work, putting forth my best performance to help the team succeed, and encouraging others to do their best. I also understand that being a member of the team requires great commitment on my part and my parents' part, with respect to time, travel, money and energy. I also recognize that winning may be a goal all athletes strive to achieve, but it is not the only goal.

By agreeing to play for the Blazers, I affirm that I have read and agree with the mission statement of the North Metro Blazers. I, as a student athlete competing on this Christian homeschool basketball team, also hereby promise to adhere to the following code of conduct.

  • Players will show respect to their coaches.
  • Player's speech and conduct will demonstrate his/her desire to honor the coaches for the work they do and the positions and responsibility they hold.
  • Players will show respect to the other athletes on their team as well as those they are competing against.
  • Players will show complete respect for the officials who referee the games.
  • Players will allow their coaches to represent them in any conflict over an official's decision.
  • Players will refrain from overt and unsportsmanlike emotional displays regarding the officiating or other aspects of the game.
  • Players will show respect for the facilities where they practice and play as well as any property and equipment therein.
  • Players agree to demonstrate a commitment to team spirit by cheering for the athletes while avoiding all offensive gestures and language.
  • Players agree to take responsibility for their actions.
  • Players agree to work hard to do their best to perform all their duties as part of this team, including arriving on time for practices and games, being present at all practices and games except when an absence is necessary and working to achieve academic success.
  • Players agree to inform their coach in advance if there is a scheduling conflict or if one must miss a practice or a game.
  • Players understand that use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs on a player's part, a breach of discipline, unsportsmanlike conduct, or manifest disrespect may result in a student athlete's suspension at the discretion of the coaches, Athletic Director and/or Board.

Coach Code of Conduct

As a coach of a student athlete, I acknowledge that I am a role model and a Christian example. I understand the spirit of fair play and that Christian sportsmanship is expected of all adults and players within the Blazers organization. I hereby accept my responsibility to be a model of good sportsmanship that comes with being the coach of a student involved in athletics in this basketball program. 

By agreeing to coach with the Blazers, I affirm that I have read and agree to abide by the provisions set forth in the mission statement and policies of the North Metro Blazers. I, as a coach, also hereby pledge to follow the Code of Conduct as listed: 

  • Coaches will provide support, care, and encouragement to all players. 
  • Coaches will endeavor to make the Blazer basketball experience beneficial and enjoyable for all involved. 
  • Coaches will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, opposing teams and officials at every game or practice, as well as for one another. 
  • Coaches will place the emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being of all the players ahead of any personal desire to win. 
  • Coaches will remember that the game is primarily for the benefit of the student athletes. 
  • Coaches will acknowledge that any and all use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs on a player's part, a breach of discipline, unsportsmanlike conduct, or manifest disrespect may result in a student athlete's suspension at the discretion of the coaches, Athletic Director, and/or Blazers Board. 
  • Coaches will show respect for public property and equipment. 
  • Coaches will demonstrate a commitment to team spirit and sportsmanship by cheering for and coaching the athletes while avoiding all offensive gestures, demeaning language, and abusive behavior.